Shogiwars 10thanniv

Participants: 188810

From Sat, May 21 at 12:00 to Sun, May 29 at 23:00
Compete in Number of wins ranking
The117th Shogi Wars Dan Kyu
The 11th Shogi Wars Ryujin
2024 Grand Championship -Wins-
2024 Grand Championship -Points-
Avatar Details
wins reward
◆ win more 80
・Kishin 3
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 3
・Furigoma Tickets 2
◆ 50 wins - 79 wins
・Kishin 3
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 3
・Furigoma Tickets 1
◆ 30 wins - 49 wins
・Kishin 2
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 3
・Furigoma Tickets 1
◆ 15 wins - 29 wins
・Kishin 1
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
・Furigoma Tickets 1
◆ 10 wins - 14 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
・Furigoma Tickets 1
◆ 7 wins - 9 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 1
◆ 1 wins - 6 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 1
Event Rules
※Rank (dan/kyu) in the event will start from 10 kyu.
※You cannot skip ranks. Your dan/kyu will go up step by step as you win. For instance, to reach 9 dan this time, you need at least 18 more wins.
※Details such as event period and prizes are subject to change without notice.
※Event reward will be distributed sequentially after the end of the event.
※Any cheating (using software, having computer play for you, etc) in the event could forfeit your rewards or even suspend your account without notice.
96126th 7 win 12 lose
HyperAnaguma18 13 Kyu
96127th 7 win 10 lose
istanbul0501 2 Kyu
96128th 7 win 11 lose
enausika 1 Dan
96129th 7 win 1 lose
juwarwarwar 3 Dan
96130th 7 win 8 lose
tarachan86 1 Dan
96131st 7 win 5 lose
mele 1 Dan
96132nd 7 win 12 lose
gaugavgau 3 Kyu
96133rd 7 win 8 lose
Wajdneu 1 Dan
96134th 7 win 5 lose
hayashi0913 4 Kyu
96135th 7 win 5 lose
michitaro 3 Dan
96136th 7 win 12 lose
Juorin 6 Kyu
96137th 7 win 4 lose
hm0027 2 Dan
96138th 7 win 4 lose
komakomapp 2 Kyu
96139th 7 win 8 lose
vvviiippp 2 Dan
96140th 7 win 7 lose
PockyPanda 1 Dan
96141st 7 win 8 lose
sakata103go 1 Kyu
96142nd 7 win 5 lose
freecoretimers 1 Dan
96143rd 7 win 8 lose
FongChiHung 1 Kyu
96144th 7 win 3 lose
Crypoiful 1 Dan
96145th 7 win 7 lose
tatsuya20180602 1 Kyu
96146th 7 win 7 lose
ant1212 1 Kyu
96147th 7 win 11 lose
tsuyoshi82 3 Kyu
96148th 7 win 4 lose
YusaSugar 2 Dan
96149th 7 win 8 lose
louis_cyphre 2 Dan
96150th 7 win 6 lose
7199138 2 Kyu