The 11th Shogi Wars Koutei

Participants: 257938

From Mon, Jan 29 at 18:00 to Sun, Feb 25 at 23:00
Compete in 'Highest' rank ranking
The117th Shogi Wars Dan Kyu
The 11th Shogi Wars Ryujin
2024 Grand Championship -Wins-
2024 Grand Championship -Points-
Avatar Details
Rankings reward
◆ 1st
・Kishin 100
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 100
◆ 2nd - 7th
・Kishin 80
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 40
◆ 8th - 15th
・Kishin 60
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 30
◆ 16th - 30th
・Kishin 40
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 30
◆ 31st - 100th
・Kishin 25
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 25
◆ 101st - 120th
・Kishin 20
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 20
◆ 121st - 150th
・Kishin 20
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 20
◆ 151st - 300th
・Kishin 15
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 15
◆ 301st - 750th
・Kishin 10
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 10
◆ 751st - 1250th
・Kishin 5
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 8
◆ 1251st - 1500th
・Kishin 5
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 8
◆ 1501st - 3000th
・Kishin 3
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 6
◆ 3001st - 5000th
・Kishin 2
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 4
◆ 5001st - 7500th
・Kishin 2
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 4
◆ 7501st - 12500th
・Kishin 1
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
◆ 12501st - 15000th
・Kishin 1
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
◆ 15001st - 20000th
・Kishin 1
Repdigit reward
◆ 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999, 11111, 22222
wins reward
◆ win more 150
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 6
◆ 75 wins - 149 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 4
◆ 51 wins - 74 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 3
◆ 25 wins - 50 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
◆ 5 wins - 24 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 1
Event Rules
※Rank (dan/kyu) in the event will start from 30 kyu.
※You cannot skip ranks. Your dan/kyu will go up step by step as you win. For instance, to reach 9 dan this time, you need at least 38 more wins.
※In this event, the rank of the winning bonus will be added to the event rank according to the number of wins. Bonuses are added for each win, up to a maximum of 1000 wins. There is no addition even if 1001 wins or more.
※Details such as event period and prizes are subject to change without notice.
※Event reward will be distributed sequentially after the end of the event.
※Any cheating (using software, having computer play for you, etc) in the event could forfeit your rewards or even suspend your account without notice.

66751st 2.12 Kyu 33 win 38 lose
kxxxchi 2 Kyu
66752nd 2.12 Kyu 36 win 43 lose
1117mmm 3 Kyu
66753rd 2.12 Kyu 30 win 36 lose
yukikaze2020 2 Kyu
66754th 2.12 Kyu 29 win 27 lose
makiyouko 2 Kyu
66755th 2.12 Kyu 164 win 200 lose
kojikij 3 Kyu
66756th 2.12 Kyu 91 win 84 lose
kihahiro 2 Kyu
66757th 2.12 Kyu 37 win 43 lose
Gamisan57 3 Kyu
66758th 2.12 Kyu 34 win 38 lose
komozi 2 Kyu
66759th 2.12 Kyu 42 win 42 lose
kuriwan1986 2 Kyu
66760th 2.12 Kyu 38 win 41 lose
torinita0209 2 Kyu
66761st 2.12 Kyu 31 win 28 lose
momota0411 2 Kyu
66762nd 2.12 Kyu 60 win 63 lose
Bush98765 2 Kyu
66763rd 2.12 Kyu 244 win 332 lose
atsktgw 1 Dan
66764th 2.12 Kyu 196 win 192 lose
midorinpower 3 Kyu
66765th 2.12 Kyu 29 win 32 lose
taichitkrtkr 3 Kyu
66766th 2.12 Kyu 33 win 29 lose
inugami25 3 Kyu
66767th 2.12 Kyu 37 win 41 lose
piipuu 1 Kyu
66768th 2.12 Kyu 47 win 34 lose
shigashin68 1 Kyu
66769th 2.12 Kyu 56 win 58 lose
Tony77777 3 Kyu
66770th 2.12 Kyu 73 win 92 lose
Sarasinaruka29 2 Kyu
66771st 2.12 Kyu 42 win 37 lose
iwasan1075 3 Kyu
66772nd 2.12 Kyu 35 win 46 lose
kozzyy 1 Kyu
66773rd 2.12 Kyu 36 win 40 lose
mjadajmjda 2 Kyu
66774th 2.12 Kyu 122 win 157 lose
yukiyukiyukia 3 Kyu
66775th 2.12 Kyu 56 win 65 lose
ZhuguJin 2 Kyu