The 2nd Shogi Wars Ryujin

Participants: 182872

From Mon, Nov 30 at 18:00 to Sun, Dec 27 at 18:00
Compete in 'Highest' rank ranking
2024 Grand Championship -Wins-
2024 Grand Championship -Points-
The 100th Shogi Wars Winning Streak
The 11th Shogi Wars Ryujin
Avatar Details
Rankings reward
◆ 1st
・北浜健介 八段[称号付き]
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 200
◆ 2nd - 7th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 120
◆ 8th - 15th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 90
◆ 16th - 30th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 70
◆ 31st - 75th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段
・Kishin 50
◆ 76th - 150th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段
・Kishin 40
◆ 151st - 300th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段
・Kishin 30
◆ 301st - 750th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・北浜健介 八段
・Kishin 20
◆ 751st - 1500th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 10
◆ 1501st - 3000th
・鈴木環那 女流二段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 5
◆ 3001st - 7500th
・鈴木環那 女流二段
・Kishin 2
◆ 7501st - 15000th
・Kishin 1
Repdigit reward
◆ 777, 888, 999, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999
・北浜健介 八段
wins reward
◆ win more 150
・Kishin 3
◆ 75 wins - 149 wins
・Kishin 3
◆ 50 wins - 74 wins
・Kishin 2
◆ 1 wins - 49 wins
・Kishin 1
Event Rules
※Rank (dan/kyu) in the event will start from 30 kyu.
※You cannot skip ranks. Your dan/kyu will go up step by step as you win. For instance, to reach 9 dan this time, you need at least 38 more wins.
※Details such as event period and prizes are subject to change without notice.
※Event reward will be distributed sequentially after the end of the event.
※Any cheating (using software, having computer play for you, etc) in the event could forfeit your rewards or even suspend your account without notice.

74301st 19 Kyu 11 win 10 lose
Forest3202 15 Kyu
74302nd 19 Kyu 11 win 5 lose
tetsu512 2 Kyu
74303rd 19 Kyu 11 win 8 lose
jet31100 1 Dan
74304th 19 Kyu 11 win 8 lose
giuj 19 Kyu
74305th 19 Kyu 11 win 12 lose
wan8 2 Dan
74306th 19 Kyu 11 win 12 lose
torlakovic 1 Kyu
74307th 19 Kyu 11 win 4 lose
sary0630 1 Dan
74308th 19 Kyu 11 win 6 lose
akebikakusi 9 Kyu
74309th 19 Kyu 11 win 9 lose
koji0813 1 Kyu
74310th 19 Kyu 11 win 8 lose
jksan 16 Kyu
74311th 19 Kyu 11 win 6 lose
masahi0226 1 Kyu
74312th 19 Kyu 11 win 14 lose
sapporon910 6 Dan
74313th 19 Kyu 11 win 9 lose
baisoree 2 Kyu
74314th 19 Kyu 11 win 7 lose
eibounoshin 1 Kyu
74315th 19 Kyu 11 win 20 lose
tsuyoshi10 1 Dan
74316th 19 Kyu 11 win 6 lose
keihatou 6 Kyu
74317th 19 Kyu 11 win 12 lose
tz7115 1 Dan
74318th 19 Kyu 11 win 11 lose
bakudan2011 1 Dan
74319th 19 Kyu 11 win 8 lose
atotugi 1 Kyu
74320th 19 Kyu 11 win 10 lose
hana4004 1 Dan
74321st 19 Kyu 11 win 15 lose
ike33 1 Kyu
74322nd 19 Kyu 11 win 7 lose
yugirilife 2 Kyu
74323rd 19 Kyu 11 win 63 lose
mako_____ 2 Dan
74324th 19 Kyu 11 win 5 lose
Aotama44 1 Dan
74325th 19 Kyu 11 win 11 lose
ako_kk 1 Kyu