The 2nd Shogi Wars Seitei

Participants: 176913

From Wed, Sep 30 at 18:00 to Sun, Oct 25 at 23:00
Compete in 'Highest' rank ranking
The117th Shogi Wars Dan Kyu
The 11th Shogi Wars Ryujin
2024 Grand Championship -Wins-
2024 Grand Championship -Points-
Avatar Details
Rankings reward
◆ 1st
・井上慶太 九段[称号付き]
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 200
◆ 2nd - 7th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 120
◆ 8th - 15th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 90
◆ 16th - 30th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 70
◆ 31st - 75th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段
・Kishin 50
◆ 76th - 150th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段
・Kishin 40
◆ 151st - 300th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段
・Kishin 30
◆ 301st - 750th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・井上慶太 九段
・Kishin 20
◆ 751st - 1500th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 10
◆ 1501st - 3000th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段[台詞入り]
・Kishin 5
◆ 3001st - 7500th
・伊藤沙恵 女流二段
・Kishin 2
◆ 7501st - 15000th
・Kishin 1
Repdigit reward
◆ 777, 888, 999, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999
・井上慶太 九段
wins reward
◆ win more 150
・Kishin 3
◆ 75 wins - 149 wins
・Kishin 3
◆ 50 wins - 74 wins
・Kishin 2
◆ 1 wins - 49 wins
・Kishin 1
Event Rules
※Rank (dan/kyu) in the event will start from 30 kyu.
※You cannot skip ranks. Your dan/kyu will go up step by step as you win. For instance, to reach 9 dan this time, you need at least 38 more wins.
※Details such as event period and prizes are subject to change without notice.
※Event reward will be distributed sequentially after the end of the event.
※Any cheating (using software, having computer play for you, etc) in the event could forfeit your rewards or even suspend your account without notice.

76726th 21 Kyu 9 win 6 lose
76727th 21 Kyu 9 win 8 lose
Green_Ronaldo 3 Dan
76728th 21 Kyu 9 win 1 lose
76544755 21 Kyu
76729th 21 Kyu 9 win 4 lose
routoru1 2 Dan
76730th 21 Kyu 9 win 6 lose
66433376 21 Kyu
76731st 21 Kyu 9 win 2 lose
venihime 2 Kyu
76732nd 21 Kyu 9 win 1 lose
EndocrineDr 21 Kyu
76733rd 21 Kyu 9 win 4 lose
mike917 2 Dan
76734th 21 Kyu 9 win 3 lose
concretequartz 1 Kyu
76735th 21 Kyu 9 win 1 lose
Kimi_ne_www 22 Kyu
76736th 21 Kyu 9 win 11 lose
reach_only22 4 Dan
76737th 21 Kyu 9 win 2 lose
divD 2 Dan
76738th 21 Kyu 9 win 6 lose
FridayChild 1 Dan
76739th 21 Kyu 9 win 3 lose
raian_R 2 Dan
76740th 21 Kyu 9 win 3 lose
FlandreScarlet 3 Dan
76741st 21 Kyu 9 win 1 lose
3day_Beginner_ 21 Kyu
76742nd 21 Kyu 9 win 7 lose
soranon 2 Dan
76743rd 21 Kyu 9 win 8 lose
F4s2 1 Dan
76744th 21 Kyu 9 win 1 lose
ruhashiyo0809 4 Dan
76745th 21 Kyu 9 win 9 lose
kryu123 4 Dan
76746th 21 Kyu 9 win 7 lose
hirameki_m3 2 Dan
76747th 21 Kyu 9 win 3 lose
kousuke19960216 4 Dan
76748th 21 Kyu 9 win 3 lose
Tottoriboy 2 Dan
76749th 21 Kyu 9 win 1 lose
timing_chart 21 Kyu
76750th 21 Kyu 9 win 2 lose
hama_chan 1 Dan