The 7th Shogi Wars Seitei

Participants: 244618

From Wed, Sep 30 at 18:00 to Sun, Oct 25 at 23:00
Compete in 'Highest' rank ranking
The117th Shogi Wars Dan Kyu
The 11th Shogi Wars Ryujin
2024 Grand Championship -Wins-
2024 Grand Championship -Points-
Avatar Details
Rankings reward
◆ 1st
・Kishin 200
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 100
◆ 2nd - 7th
・Kishin 80
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 40
◆ 8th - 15th
・Kishin 60
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 30
◆ 16th - 30th
・Kishin 40
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 30
◆ 31st - 100th
・Kishin 25
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 25
◆ 101st - 120th
・Kishin 20
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 20
◆ 121st - 150th
・Kishin 20
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 20
◆ 151st - 300th
・Kishin 15
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 15
◆ 301st - 750th
・Kishin 10
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 10
◆ 751st - 1400th
・Kishin 5
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 8
◆ 1401st - 1500th
・Kishin 5
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 8
◆ 1501st - 3000th
・Kishin 3
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 6
◆ 3001st - 5000th
・Kishin 2
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 4
◆ 5001st - 7500th
・Kishin 2
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 4
◆ 7501st - 14000th
・Kishin 1
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
◆ 14001st - 15000th
・Kishin 1
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
◆ 15001st - 20000th
・Kishin 1
Repdigit reward
◆ 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999, 11111, 22222
wins reward
◆ win more 150
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 6
◆ 75 wins - 149 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 6
◆ 50 wins - 74 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 4
◆ 1 wins - 49 wins
・Kishin Analysis Tickets 2
Event Rules
※Rank (dan/kyu) in the event will start from 30 kyu.
※You cannot skip ranks. Your dan/kyu will go up step by step as you win. For instance, to reach 9 dan this time, you need at least 38 more wins.
※In this event, the rank of the winning bonus will be added to the event rank according to the number of wins. Bonuses are added for each win, up to a maximum of 1000 wins. There is no addition even if 1001 wins or more.
※Details such as event period and prizes are subject to change without notice.
※Event reward will be distributed sequentially after the end of the event.
※Any cheating (using software, having computer play for you, etc) in the event could forfeit your rewards or even suspend your account without notice.

43101st 1.08 Kyu 46 win 27 lose
1112345tomato 2 Kyu
43102nd 1.08 Kyu 38 win 26 lose
jirousin 2 Kyu
43103rd 1.08 Kyu 35 win 32 lose
non393 1 Kyu
43104th 1.08 Kyu 43 win 53 lose
yamadamanabu 3 Kyu
43105th 1.08 Kyu 37 win 26 lose
kmoaz 2 Kyu
43106th 1.08 Kyu 34 win 27 lose
peatbest 1 Dan
43107th 1.08 Kyu 106 win 125 lose
sigel1789 1 Dan
43108th 1.08 Kyu 37 win 24 lose
rei36854 2 Dan
43109th 1.08 Kyu 37 win 26 lose
jansm 1 Dan
43110th 1.08 Kyu 29 win 32 lose
Motomotoooooo 2 Kyu
43111th 1.08 Kyu 35 win 37 lose
maarch 1 Kyu
43112th 1.08 Kyu 34 win 29 lose
YamanbaX 2 Dan
43113th 1.08 Kyu 35 win 30 lose
Anguru 1 Dan
43114th 1.08 Kyu 47 win 26 lose
tsato 2 Kyu
43115th 1.08 Kyu 71 win 66 lose
tridimono 2 Kyu
43116th 1.08 Kyu 41 win 35 lose
gorilla2001 1 Dan
43117th 1.08 Kyu 485 win 458 lose
649enoya 4 Dan
43118th 1.08 Kyu 46 win 43 lose
hamuteruo 1 Dan
43119th 1.08 Kyu 39 win 36 lose
sm1973 1 Dan
43120th 1.08 Kyu 203 win 176 lose
yonaminejapan 2 Kyu
43121st 1.08 Kyu 101 win 93 lose
pachiolb 10000 Kyu
43122nd 1.08 Kyu 32 win 24 lose
zumi3 1 Kyu
43123rd 1.08 Kyu 34 win 32 lose
tsukadasapporo 2 Kyu
43124th 1.08 Kyu 45 win 29 lose
AliG_30 2 Dan
43125th 1.08 Kyu 75 win 58 lose
kiunkiun 1 Kyu