Members 7/7 Since 2017/08/02 Approval type Free Atmosphere Aim the strongest Head thelonious46 3 Kyu(10 min) Rate 31.3% specialty castle Nakahara's King 3.37 Kyu ( 2462nd ) specialty tactics Yagura Climbing Silver 13 Kyu ( 28572nd ) last date of game playing 2018/07/14 13:57 Past tournament results list
1st masa102466 2 Kyu(10 min) Rate 14.0% 3 Kyu(3 min) Rate 32.1% 2 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 18.8% specialty castle Invincible Castle 29 Kyu ( 113965th ) specialty tactics Right-hand 4th-file Rook 2.18 Kyu ( 64651st ) last date of game playing 2018/05/18 12:53 My page 2nd nobu2009 5 Kyu(10 min) Rate 24.6% 30 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% 3 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 0.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 3.35 Kyu ( 292270th ) specialty tactics Sleeve Rook 3.63 Kyu ( 5025th ) last date of game playing 2024/10/14 07:56 My page 3rd thelonious46 3 Kyu(10 min) Rate 31.3% specialty castle Nakahara's King 3.37 Kyu ( 2462nd ) specialty tactics Yagura Climbing Silver 13 Kyu ( 28572nd ) last date of game playing 2018/07/14 13:57 My page 4th tarutsu2 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 10.1% 5 Kyu(3 min) Rate 59.8% specialty castle Yagura Castle 24 Kyu ( 277928th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 12 Kyu ( 376591st ) last date of game playing 2021/01/16 18:10 My page 5th yumu1083 5 Kyu(10 min) Rate 21.4% 28 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% 28 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Mino Castle 5.53 Kyu ( 321671st ) specialty tactics Gokigen central Rook 4.89 Kyu ( 106675th ) last date of game playing 2017/12/08 14:26 My page 6th atsuyabig 7 Kyu(10 min) Rate 92.0% 30 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 26 Kyu ( 707257th ) specialty tactics 3rd-file Rook 21 Kyu ( 293774th ) last date of game playing 2018/11/16 13:23 My page 7th akiiy222 11 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% 29 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle - specialty tactics One-turn-loss Bishop exchange 25 Kyu ( 336390th ) last date of game playing 2017/08/22 12:21 My page