Members 7/7 Since 2018/08/28 Approval type Free Atmosphere Events dedicated Head EVANGELnext 2 Kyu(10 min) Rate 63.7% 1 Kyu(3 min) Rate 17.3% 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 35.7% specialty castle Topknot Mino 1.05 Kyu ( 23032nd ) specialty tactics King's head silver 1.19 Kyu ( 5535th ) last date of game playing 2021/05/13 12:33 Past tournament results list
1st katsuya6 21 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% 2 Dan(3 min) Rate 61.3% specialty castle Mino Castle 17 Kyu ( - ) specialty tactics Right-hand 4th-file Rook 6.00 Kyu ( - ) last date of game playing 2020/03/20 08:40 My page 2nd TakehiroRiver 2 Dan(10 min) Rate 5.8% 1 Dan(3 min) Rate 17.1% 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 17.3% specialty castle Left-hand Mino 0.23 Kyu ( 20530th ) specialty tactics Static Bishop Left-hand mino rapid attack 1.15 Dan ( 822nd ) last date of game playing 2024/08/08 18:47 My page 3rd Ketsufuri1234 1 Kyu(10 min) Rate 87.7% 26 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 0.39 Kyu ( 100752nd ) specialty tactics swinging rook slow game countermeasure 0.63 Kyu ( 35383rd ) last date of game playing 2021/12/04 21:15 My page 4th EVANGELnext 2 Kyu(10 min) Rate 63.7% 1 Kyu(3 min) Rate 17.3% 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 35.7% specialty castle Topknot Mino 1.05 Kyu ( 23032nd ) specialty tactics King's head silver 1.19 Kyu ( 5535th ) last date of game playing 2021/05/13 12:33 My page 5th aipon303 3 Kyu(10 min) Rate 58.2% specialty castle Mino Castle 3.12 Kyu ( 253054th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 3.36 Kyu ( 249959th ) last date of game playing 2020/05/28 11:16 My page 6th Yumaky 17 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% specialty castle - specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 28 Kyu ( 769771st ) last date of game playing 2019/12/15 16:10 My page 7th asanan1208 28 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% 21 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 99.9% specialty castle Boat Castle 29 Kyu ( 508280th ) specialty tactics Right-hand 4th-file Rook 29 Kyu ( 511146th ) last date of game playing 2019/04/27 19:40 My page