Members 7/7 Since 2020/01/06 Approval type Free Atmosphere Lively night Head rippumi 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 44.4% 29 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 6.00 Kyu ( 361184th ) specialty tactics Gokigen central Rook 2.99 Kyu ( 87554th ) last date of game playing 2020/04/15 18:12 Past tournament results list
1st Yutakuyyyy 2 Kyu(10 min) Rate 67.5% specialty castle - specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 1.20 Kyu ( 47835th ) last date of game playing 2024/02/05 21:24 My page 2nd daiki456123 2 Kyu(10 min) Rate 0.0% 29 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 2.43 Kyu ( 238603rd ) specialty tactics Sleeve Rook 2.00 Kyu ( 3630th ) last date of game playing 2025/01/11 21:24 My page 3rd rippumi 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 44.4% 29 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 6.00 Kyu ( 361184th ) specialty tactics Gokigen central Rook 2.99 Kyu ( 87554th ) last date of game playing 2020/04/15 18:12 My page 4th kaz1120 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 56.0% specialty castle Crab Castle 27 Kyu ( 273496th ) specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 4.37 Kyu ( 204977th ) last date of game playing 2023/05/23 09:54 My page 5th nezukokawaii 15 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% specialty castle Static Rook Anaguma 23 Kyu ( 197382nd ) specialty tactics One-turn-loss Bishop exchange 27 Kyu ( 423824th ) last date of game playing 2020/12/06 21:15 My page 6th kptmjmjtwd 18 Kyu(3 min) Rate 99.9% specialty castle - specialty tactics - last date of game playing 2020/01/18 17:12 My page 7th awfbgdghj 26 Kyu(10 min) Rate 20.0% specialty castle - specialty tactics Spearing the bird 29 Kyu ( - ) last date of game playing 2020/01/12 22:53 My page