Members 7/7 Since 2015/08/26 Approval type Free Atmosphere Active Head matsugorilla 1 Dan(10 min) Rate 81.7% 1 Kyu(3 min) Rate 5.2% Highest 1 Dan this month 8.00 Kyu 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 38.9% specialty castle Swinging Rook Anaguma 1.07 Dan ( 24586th ) specialty tactics 1st-file rook Anaguma 1.02 Dan ( 159th ) last date of game playing 2025/03/21 10:52 Past tournament results list
1st DARKSHADOW 4 Dan(10 min) Rate 7.1% 4 Kyu(3 min) Rate 44.1% specialty castle Boat Castle 3.42 Dan ( 8534th ) specialty tactics Side pawn piker 5.00 Kyu ( 25737th ) last date of game playing 2018/09/02 17:24 My page 2nd joseki_0326 2 Dan(10 min) Rate 82.9% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 17 Kyu ( 474425th ) specialty tactics Gokigen central Rook 9.00 Kyu ( 123573rd ) last date of game playing 2018/04/14 21:35 My page 3rd matsugorilla 1 Dan(10 min) Rate 81.7% 1 Kyu(3 min) Rate 5.2% Highest 1 Dan this month 8.00 Kyu 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 38.9% specialty castle Swinging Rook Anaguma 1.07 Dan ( 24586th ) specialty tactics 1st-file rook Anaguma 1.02 Dan ( 159th ) last date of game playing 2025/03/21 10:52 My page 4th Jack90 1 Dan(10 min) Rate 39.5% specialty castle Static Rook Anaguma 13 Kyu ( - ) specialty tactics Side pawn piker 21 Kyu ( - ) last date of game playing 2016/05/08 18:35 My page 5th y0sh1 1 Dan(10 min) Rate 25.8% 1 Kyu(3 min) Rate 71.3% 1 Dan(10 sec) Rate 23.9% specialty castle Boat Castle 1.00 Dan ( 46788th ) specialty tactics Side pawn piker 17 Kyu ( 39830th ) last date of game playing 2016/02/11 00:41 My page 6th hanedatarou 1 Dan(10 min) Rate 22.4% 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 7.9% specialty castle Girl-in-the-House 0.43 Kyu ( 5686th ) specialty tactics Right-hand 4th-file Rook 0.29 Kyu ( 24432nd ) last date of game playing 2024/05/05 15:21 My page 7th nagakyo2 2 Kyu(10 min) Rate 80.1% 1 Dan(3 min) Rate 17.0% 1 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 42.1% specialty castle Mino Castle 1.11 Dan ( 63894th ) specialty tactics Double swinging Rook 1.00 Dan ( 39364th ) last date of game playing 2017/08/13 23:38 My page