Members 7/7 Since 2023/05/19 Approval type Free Atmosphere Lively night Head kiona3 19 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% 3 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.4% 29 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Mino Castle 15 Kyu ( 407027th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 10 Kyu ( 363160th ) last date of game playing 2023/08/08 13:30 Past tournament results list
1st pekopeko0824 1 Kyu(3 min) Rate 19.3% specialty castle Snow roof Castle 25 Kyu ( - ) specialty tactics Right-hand 4th-file Rook 12 Kyu ( - ) last date of game playing 2024/10/30 09:45 My page 2nd kiona3 19 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% 3 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.4% 29 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Mino Castle 15 Kyu ( 407027th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 10 Kyu ( 363160th ) last date of game playing 2023/08/08 13:30 My page 3rd uyuskufu 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 11.4% Highest 3 Kyu this month 3.88 Kyu 29 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% this month 10 Kyu specialty castle Static Rook Anaguma 19 Kyu ( 152098th ) specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 3.96 Kyu ( 186165th ) last date of game playing 2025/03/24 13:37 My page 4th Mon0528 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 16.1% 29 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 14 Kyu ( 441597th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 11 Kyu ( 374198th ) last date of game playing 2024/07/15 23:20 My page 5th Ktis17 5 Kyu(10 min) Rate 25.5% 15 Kyu(3 min) Rate 99.9% 29 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Rapid Castle 23 Kyu ( 147654th ) specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 18 Kyu ( 366556th ) last date of game playing 2024/02/28 00:04 My page 6th to2828 5 Kyu(10 min) Rate 27.0% specialty castle Silver Crown 24 Kyu ( 249996th ) specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 18 Kyu ( 355367th ) last date of game playing 2024/02/02 03:12 My page 7th JamesNA0 11 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% 26 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Mino Castle 26 Kyu ( 657344th ) specialty tactics One-turn-loss Bishop exchange 27 Kyu ( 466403rd ) last date of game playing 2024/03/20 22:26 My page