Members 7/7 Since 2015/10/09 Approval type Free Atmosphere Carefree Head askmrn 3 Kyu(10 min) Rate 19.0% 4 Kyu(3 min) Rate 74.5% 4 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 42.9% specialty castle Mino Castle 2.93 Kyu ( 239698th ) specialty tactics Quick ishida 2.70 Kyu ( 94525th ) last date of game playing 2016/08/16 00:33 Past tournament results list
1st KingAlice0 1 Kyu(10 min) Rate 67.2% 30 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 0.35 Kyu ( 97913th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 0.54 Kyu ( 78358th ) last date of game playing 2019/06/13 20:48 My page 2nd askmrn 3 Kyu(10 min) Rate 19.0% 4 Kyu(3 min) Rate 74.5% 4 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 42.9% specialty castle Mino Castle 2.93 Kyu ( 239698th ) specialty tactics Quick ishida 2.70 Kyu ( 94525th ) last date of game playing 2016/08/16 00:33 My page 3rd taka_c123 4 Kyu(10 min) Rate 93.4% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 15 Kyu ( 443863rd ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 23 Kyu ( 529604th ) last date of game playing 2017/07/04 17:25 My page 4th jasti 5 Kyu(10 min) Rate 58.2% 29 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% 30 Kyu(10 sec) Rate 20.0% specialty castle - specialty tactics Primitive Climbing Silver 27 Kyu ( 641151st ) last date of game playing 2018/09/12 15:04 My page 5th SHINYA4343 6 Kyu(10 min) Rate 52.2% specialty castle Central House 29 Kyu ( 225691st ) specialty tactics Tateishi style 5.52 Kyu ( 7390th ) last date of game playing 2017/11/29 13:00 My page 6th Kamiya0501 15 Kyu(10 min) Rate 99.9% 29 Kyu(3 min) Rate 20.0% specialty castle Half Mino Castle 17 Kyu ( 478127th ) specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 17 Kyu ( 435589th ) last date of game playing 2016/09/30 11:30 My page 7th GOOD_KINGss 27 Kyu(10 min) Rate 20.0% specialty castle - specialty tactics 4th-file Rook 28 Kyu ( 902092nd ) last date of game playing 2015/10/29 18:52 My page